1300 629 272 MAYBRAY

Magento and FileMaker Integration

We specialized in building innovative and affordable systems with Magento and FileMaker.

  1. Magento to FileMaker Integration.
  2. Filemaker to Magento Integration.
  3. Import Magento Sales, Catalog and Customer data to FileMaker.
  4. Connect FileMaker to Magento.
  5. Magento Data Cleanup.
  6. Magento Sales Data Import to FileMaker.
  7. Magento Product Data Population with FileMaker.
  8. Magento Product Management with FileMaker.
  9. eCommerce Sales Reporting with FileMaker.

We provide state-of-the-art Magento to FileMaker (and vice versa) integration solutions. Whether you are looking to manage your product inventory with ease or fast data entry we can provide the perfect solution for you.

Our services include.

  1. Cloud or On-Site Hosted Magento FileMaker solutions.
  2. Magento hosting.
  3. FileMaker hosting.
  4. FileMaker Go solutions.
  5. Connect FileMaker to Magento.
  6. Magento Data Cleanup.
  7. No huge upfront development costs.
  8. Simple monthly access fee.
  9. Support Magento 1.9 and 2.x CE.


Contact Maybray for an obligation-free discussion and live online demo on Magento FileMaker integration. We are one of the leading Magento Developers in Brisbane, Australia.

Maybray Pty. Ltd.

Level 1, 16 McDougall Street,
Milton, Queensland 4064,
Phone: ++61 7 3117 9378
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.